Cold Call Help Desk!

by Compiled by Gymlink.Biz (Fitness Business Resource)

Cold Call Help Desk! For all the advances in sales technology, there’s one old fashioned piece of equipment that will never be replaced – the telephone. In today’s fast-paced, low-cost world, the opportunity to meet customers face-to-face is diminishing, making the telephone an increasingly important tool in the sales process. Sales staff, however, rarely get formal training in how to use a telephone. To stand out above the barrage of calls your prospects may receive every day, follow these tips simple tips.

Set the bar high.
Start your call day with a plan for contacting three times more prospects than you think is humanly possible. If you typically plan to contact 20 people on a call day, plan on 60 calls. Before you choke on your coffee, remember this: At least three-quarters of your calls are going to be voicemail calls, which should take about 30 seconds. Considering that, in one hour, with good planning, you should easily get in 30 outbound call messages. Of course, if you don’t make your new target number because you spend three hours actually talking to customers and moving the sales process forward, that’s even better. But at least you’re prepared with numbers and strategy notes to fill your day in case you don’t have that kind of luck.

Prep ahead of time.
Don’t wait to plan your calls on the morning of your call day. Instead, do your preparatory work the day or evening before you make those calls. Not only will you be more likely to connect with people if you have them prioritised properly, but you’ll feel more energized if you can walk in and start dialling.

Start with a winner.
Always plan your first call to be a friendly, low-stress, positive call that will get your day started the right way. For example, an upbeat thank you to a regular casual visitor is always a good first call, as is a return call to a prospect who has requested information. Commit to making that first call at a specified time so you have a definite start to your call day.

Look for voicemail.
In most cases your goal is to reach an actual human being. The exception is when you’re calling to confirm appointments. If you leave enthusiastic reminders on voicemail, customers will get the nudge but won’t have an easy opportunity to tell you they have to cancel their appointment.

Remember to focus, focus, focus.
Sales staff tend to be high-energy people who want to be on the move and closing deals, not sitting at a desk. That is why so many find themselves multitasking during phone calls. Why just be on the phone when you also can be sending emails to prospects, filling out expense reports and placing a sandwich order with a colleague at the same time? Unfortunately, dividing your attention means you aren’t listening to and engaging with the prospect on the phone. Don’t pick up the phone, until you have cleared your desk; turned your chair away from all distractions; closed your door or put up a Making Calls – Do Not Disturb sign; turned off audible distractions such as music, email alert tones and call waiting; and prepared yourself mentally to make calls.

Go get ‘em!