Fitness Jobs
Looking for a career in the fitness industry?
Browse through the jobs below and click on 'read more' for a full job description and details on how to apply for that job. Follow the links to either post a fitness job or to sign up for fitness job alerts.
To post a fitness job on the GymLink Job Board email or call 1300 GYMLINK
Sign up to the GymLink Fitness Job Alertsand get notified about new fitness jobs, sales job, instructor jobs, personal trainer jobs, membership consultant jobs, management jobs, sales manager jobs, reception staff jobs, childcare jobs, marketing jobs and other career availabilties within the Australian fitness industry. GymLink post jobs from all states, including fitness jobs in Sydney, jobs in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart and Darwin. Other job boards that display fitness jobs like seek jobs, my career jobs, sportspeople jobs and leisure jobs may contain the same job advert as the GymLink fitness job board. For more information about advertising a fitness job on the GymLink fitness job board contact GymLink on 1300 GYMLINK.