Become An Extra-Miler!

by Compiled by Gymlink.Biz (Fitness Business Resource)

There are three types of salespeople in this world: Extra Milers, Plateauers and Just Enoughs. In which category do you fall? What differentiates a successful sales producer from a mediocre salesperson? Read on!

The Extra Miler
The Extra Miler makes success a habit. Success is a way of life, a philosophy, an attitude not an event. The Extra Miler understands that success in any venture happens on purpose with purpose. It's not an accident. The Extra Miler lives on the edge of the outer limits of human potential. The EM understands that the difference between ordinary performance and extraordinary performance is that little something extra he or she gives to life.

The Plateauer
The Plateauer is the individual who operates within a comfort zone of self-imposed upper limits. He succeeds for a while and then coasts for a while. The only problem with coasting is that you can only coast one way: downhill!

The Just Enough
Just Enoughs are those people who do just enough to get by. They sell just enough to keep the wolves away from the door. They do just enough paperwork to keep the boss off their backs. They make just enough calls to meet the standard set for them by someone else. It never occurs to them to make one more call than is expected.

Three distinct characteristics make the EM (Extra Miler) stand out from the pack:

  • Positive attitude
  • Positive action
  • Positive control

    Let's first talk about the Extra Miler's attitude.

    Positive Attitude
    The EM views life through a unique prism. The EM looks for the good and the positive inherent in all situations and chooses to focus on them rather than the negative consequences of an event. He learns from the bad while focusing on the good. The EM doesn't let the failures in life discourage him or her from trying again. He or she gives that failure an appropriate amount of emotion and then moves on to bigger and better things. To the EM, life's greatest failure would be to quit the race just because you didn't win the first lap.

    To win the race, you've got to be in the race!

    Positive Action
    The second characteristic of the EM is positive action. Positive attitude without positive action is a con job. It's nothing more than hopeful optimism. You're kidding yourself if you feel that thinking positively is enough. You must act positively and decisively. The EM understands this and takes an active role in life. Sales and life itself are not spectator sports.

    The EM knows that one must be proactive to be successful. To win the race, you've got to be in the race. The human race is a lot like a horse race. If you want to cross the finish line as a champion, you've got to perform like one. The unique combination of your high level of initiative, coupled with everyone else's inertia, apathy, and indifference, will make you successful.

    Positive Control
    The third characteristic of the EM is positive control. The EM exerts maximum positive control over his life. He is internally driven he's the captain of his ship, the master of his fate, the architect of his future. Part of being an Extra Miler means that you sit in the driver's seat of your life. The EM accepts responsibility and accountability for his future. The EM avoids saying things like: "The economy is so bad I just can't sell!" Instead, they might say, "I know things are bad for some people but I don't think I'll participate in a bad economy. I'll create a good one for me!"

    The EM replaces the words fate and luck with the words commitment and determination. The EM replaces I can't with I won't. And says 'when' versus 'if'. The EM exerts maximum positive control over his or her life. Success or failure happens because of what each of us does or does not do.

    It has been said that there is no heavier burden than a great opportunity. And I suspect that as you finish this article, you either have a great opportunity or a tremendous burden, depending on your own perspective. And still each of us must make a conscious choice as to how we plan to spend the remaining time we have on this earth. Will I be an Extra Miler, a Plateauer, or a Just Enough? Only you know the answer to that
