8 Common Direct Mail Mistakes

by Compiled by Gymlink.Biz (Fitness Business Resource)

8 Common Direct Mail Mistakes Any direct ? mail campaign requires a serious effort and often entails a significant expense. To maximise your results and the return on your investment, many direct mail experts advise to avoid the following 8 common mistakes.

1. Don?t be generic: If possible, use real photos of your facility, and promote its specific identity and benefits.

2. Don?t try to say it all in one piece: Keep the mailer clean and free of clutter, and make use of attention grabbing artwork. Keep the offer simple and to the point and most importantly don?t send mixed messages.

3. Don?t produce just one campaign: Do direct mail on a regular basis (monthly if you can), otherwise you?ll have trouble establishing your identity and building your brand awareness. You need to be on the top of people?s minds when they?re ready to make the decision to join a club, which could be at any time.

4. Avoid the 50% off joining fees: People have been exposed to this tactic for years now and are now virtually immune to it. Utilizing it can weaken your overall offer.

5. Don?t put sleek, hard bodies on your direct mail pieces: Health & Fitness clubs have marketed this way for years, and this has resulted in the stigma that ?fitness clubs are for the fit and beautiful?, not for the average person (the 92 % who don?t belong to a fitness club).Use photos of normal people in your advertising that the average person can relate to.

6. Don?t miss out on educating your target market: The marketplace still needs to be informed about the value of regular exercise. Let people know that a commitment to fitness is more effective and rewarding than any quick fix, and that your facility is the best place for them to achieve long?term success.

7. Don?t emphasize your low monthly fee: You?re offering someone a valuable lifestyle change; so don?t hesitate to charge appropriately. People aren?t coming to you for a $39 a month fee, they?re in search of improving their health, fitness and wellbeing.

8. Avoid using pricing or discount inducements: You?ll enjoy a much stronger response if you offer a trial membership or free visit pass. Since most of the people you are marketing to don?t exercise regularly, assure them that they?ll be provided with proper instruction and supervision. It?s important for them to know that they will be comfortable and confident in your club/facility.

Getting people through your door gives you the chance to tell your story. It?s better to tell your story to 10 people and have 2 join that tell it no one. Free Passes & Trial Memberships are really effective when marketing your business. Gymlink Australia & New Zealand drive thousands of prospects through the doors of fitness facilities every month using Free Pass & Trial Membership marketing. Those facilties that have an Advantage Plus Listing have benefited significantly from new membership sales as a result of Gymlink generated leads.

For more information on how to use free pass or trial membership marketing effectively, contact Gymlink.Biz on 1300 854 991 or email enquiries@gymlink.com

Visit Fitness Marketing for ideas on marketing your fitness business.