Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business
- part 4 of 4

by Brad Sheppard (B.Ed (Phys.Ed))

Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business <br> - part 4 of 4 Hidden Money Tip No 4: The Shopping Tour

After consulting to thousands of Personal Trainers over the years, I consistently see time and time again that there is bunch of money being left on the table. Opportunities that can simply bypass you. I have experienced this myself in our own Personal Training business, and it wasn’t until I took massive action that changes started to take place.

What do you do for free?

I experienced frustration and even regret by constantly giving very valuable stuff away for free, and not being compensated for my time, energy and money.

However, you might be thinking that the above statement is totally contrary to some of the advice that we have been giving you, when we encourage you to freely pass on your knowledge to others effectively positioning you as the expert in your field.

Confused? Don’t worry, just look for ways that you can do both and have the best of both worlds!

We have used this strategy successfully for years and it is always a smash hit! Quite simply, this strategy involves taking a tour of your local supermarket and exploring what’s on the shelves and what’s the nutritional content of certain foods. Clients love it, as you can show them exactly what to eat, and what to buy, right down to the brand and portion size. Whilst you are there, they can pick up the necessary containers and protein shakers which they will require.

We always notify the store manager when we are coming along and the intended purpose, and simply check in with them when we arrive. In the 8 or so years, we have been doing our shopping tours; we have never had a problem (from the store) with doing this.

Make sure that you arrive with a plan to go through the top 10 or so foods / isles that you want to point out. You will be amazed to how such (what seems to you to be) common knowledge can be highly useful and beneficial to others.

For this service, we have charged a price per head and we have also included it as part of a package when people join one of our overhaul programs.

Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys. Ed)
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