Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business
- part 3 of 4

by Brad Sheppard (B.Ed (Phys.Ed))

Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business - part 3 of 4 Hidden Money Tip No 3: Coaching Session (Theory)

After consulting to thousands of Personal Trainers over the years, I consistently see time and time again that there is bunch of money being left on the table. Opportunities that can simply bypass you. I have experienced this myself in our own Personal Training business, and it wasn’t until I took massive action that changes started to take place.

What do you do for free?

I experienced frustration and even regret by constantly giving very valuable stuff away for free, and not being compensated for my time, energy and money.

However, you might be thinking that the above statement is totally contrary to some of the advice that we have been giving you, when we encourage you to freely pass on your knowledge to others effectively positioning you as the expert in your field.

Confused? Don’t worry, just look for ways that you can do both and have the best of both worlds!

You would be amazed at how many clients would be very interested and benefit from a (non-sweat) Coaching session from you. You might like to call it a “theory” session. Quite simply this session can cover any topic that you like. My advice is that you create the right environment for this session. In the past we have successfully used coffee shops, restaurants, hotel lobbies, outdoor covered areas, client’s board rooms and even empty aerobics studio’s!

Some of the topics I have successfully used in the past have included:

  • Goal Setting

  • Health Coaching – including rest, sleep, nutrition and AOD (Alcohol and other drugs)

  • Nutritional Guidance

  • Program Design

  • Personal Coaching and Guidance

This can be considered as a specialised session and therefore be charged appropriately. If you are unsure what rate to charge, then take note of all the programs, courses, books and not to mention experience that has made you the professional that you are!

Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys. Ed)
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