Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business
- part 1 of 4

by Brad Sheppard (B.Ed (Phys.Ed))

Find Some Hidden Money In Your Business - part 1 Hidden Money Tip No 1: Sell Programs

After consulting to thousands of Personal Trainers over the years, I consistently see time and time again that there is bunch of money being left on the table. Opportunities that can simply bypass you. I have experienced this myself in our own Personal Training business, and it wasn't until I took massive action that changes started to take place.

What do you do for free?

I experienced frustration and even regret by constantly giving very valuable stuff away for free, and not being compensated for my time, energy and money.

However, you might be thinking that the above statement is totally contrary to some of the advice that we have been giving you, when we encourage you to freely pass on your knowledge to others effectively positioning you as the expert in your field.

Confused? Don't worry, just look for ways that you can do both and have the best of both worlds!

For years, I spent time rushing through programs with people in a hour PT session, wanting to deliver great quality, however feeling like I was unable to spend the time and energy I really wanted. Next, I went home and would spend even more time, typing up the program including exercise variables and detailed comments. If people would request nutrition advice, I would provide that also. All this, I was doing (if felt like) for next to nothing, when you add up the time, energy, experience and finished product that each person received! You can probably see why I was frustrated and I wouldn't be surprised if you have been there yourself. It wasn’t my fault, but it was my responsibility to do something about it!

Enter the Program Package

I created a Program Package. This Program Package was available as a 3 or 5 sessions Package only. I changed the format to include body assessment, program design & nutrition advice. I took the pressure off myself and my team to be able to perform over such a short period of time (1hr PT session) plus all of the hard work I was putting in was being rewarded in a financial sense.

The program package created a win / win scenario, as we were getting paid (handsomely) more, we really enjoyed the time and energy that we placed into each of the program packages. The client was winning also as they were getting an even better, first class quality product.

No longer, can you arrive in our business and purchase a single session with a vision to have a program created, it simply does not exist. The up sell is potentially huge, as it can take a $77 transaction up to a $799 transaction. I am sure you would agree that this is a huge difference!

Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys. Ed)
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