Are You Doing These Easy Things in Your Personal Training Business?

by My Fitness Business (PT Business Resource)

Are You Doing These Easy Things in Your Personal Training Business? Most trainers and fitness professional are in the business of trading hours for dollars. Train a client, get paid. Don’t train anyone, don’t get paid.

Okay, you may receive a small hourly rate from the gym for wandering the floor, but that is still trading hours for dollars.

If this is all you do, you’ll probably be out of the fitness industry in a few years max. Why? Because you’ll soon learn, that even if your schedule is booked solid, you’ve got a cap on how much you can earn. That is the reality when trading hours for dollars is your only source of income.

It isn’t that hard to escape this problem, yet it amazing the number of trainers who don’t do even the most basic, simple things to help them out of this situation.

Take building a list for example. Every trainer with a website who isn’t capturing visitors’ names and email addresses is wasting those visitors. They may not want what you have now, but if you have something new that they might want in the future, and you didn’t get their email, you’ll never be able to sell it to them. Given how simple a process this is, there is no excuse for not doing it.

And once you realise that you know more about fitness than 99% of the population, you can create your own info product and market it to that list. This creates income on autopilot and helps rescue you from hourly drudgery.

Of course, you may not have a website. Do you realise that domains can be as low as $25 to register for a year, and quality web hosting is available for less than $15 a month? More people are finding fitness info and trainers online every day than are finding them in the yellow pages in a month. Are they finding you or your competitors?

Or do you have a site, but can’t seem to get any traffic?

Again, are you doing the simple things like submitting articles, uploading clips to Youtube, writing a blog? These are basic things that every one of you reading this should be doing. Are you?

Most trainers think getting some new qualifications will suddenly increase their revenue. This very rarely happens for 2 reasons: a) most gyms aren’t going to give you a bigger cut simply because you passed another cert test, and b) not a single one of your clients knows what any of your qualifications mean.

Start doing some simple things, and you’ll see the benefits quickly.

If you want help with some of the basics, here are some resources you should check out:

List building: Aweber

Quality, inexpensive domains, hosting, and web site building: GymLink Domians

How to upload videos to Youtube