Polestars - Sexy Bodytoning Workouts

by Stephanie Kite (Polestars Australia)

Polestars - Sexy Bodytoning Workouts Pole dancing is a lot more strenuous than it looks: a good session on the pole can burn more calories than a good session in the gym and will certainly provide more muscle tone. Some moves are trickier than others and may take a while to master-but this is the aim of the class. You are learning a new skill and like everything practice makes perfect.

Classes begin with a warm-up aerobic session, which consists of a warm up including mobility, pulse raiser and stretch, followed by the main aerobic (cardio) section, which incorporates the build up, maintenance, and cool down aerobic phases. The class then moves onto the muscular strength and endurance section that is specifically targeted to the muscle groups to be used in the pole work. This is followed by a further cool down stretch incorporating maintenance and developmental stretch techniques. It’s at this point you change your footwear and move onto the poles.

The pole section develops endurance, strength, power, stamina, and mobility, especially in the upper body areas. The calories burn and the girls will rapidly see improved muscle tone. Pole dancing consists of many elements such as tricks, spins, poses, linking moves, floor working in particular the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and torso muscles to maintain good control, stability, balance and posture.

Throughout a class, exercise adaptations are offered according to the level of fitness within the class, catering to varying abilities. After the pole session, you have a further cool down stretch and relaxation section.

Imagine having to learn to support your entire weight with one arm, or supporting your upper body weight with your stomach muscles to get an idea of the level of effort involved. You can expect increased muscle definition and toning all over especially in the arms, thighs, and buttocks. You can expect to burn about 250 plus calories per session.

Overall, there are many health benefits to be reaped from participating. General sport benefits include a reduced risk of coronary disease, a decrease in blood pressure, body fat and cholesterol, and an increase in bone density. Exercise releases the body's endorphins (natural high) making us feel good which helps to mobilise positive thinking.

Pole dancing lessons have a lot to offer as an alternative to a regular session of physical fitness. Girls leave having experienced a lot of fun, feeling empowered and having gained a real sense of achievement.

Expect to feel firmer, sexier and a lot more confident with your body!

For more information about Pole Dancing classes and courses in your area contact Polestars Australia