Womens Only Fitness Takes Australia By Storm

by Brooke York (Vice President - It Figures Ltd)

Womens Only Fitness Takes Australia By Storm It’s happening as you read this article, another 30 minute female only fitness & weight loss centres opening it’s doors! With over 50 new 30-minute style centers having opened in 2004 it looks like this phenomenon is here to stay!

Brooke York -Vice President of It Figures gives a little insight into the world on the 30-minute ladies only phenomenon that is taking Australia by storm.

In the past year alone, there are more than twenty and counting, companies making appearances in the women’s only 30-minute market. What is this market, whom is it comprised of and where is it going? Reviewing the past few years, the 30-minute concept market had about five top competitors in this niche market. Currently, the market has exploded and all the traditional names as well as new faces in the fitness industry are trying to captivate their portion of this unique market.

The target market, which is the baby boomer market are those born between 1946-1964; they are growing older and have more health issues and the need for fitness and wellness centers. This target market also has the money to afford health club memberships and will pay for an “exclusive” fitness center. This market tends to be de-conditioned, as they have been working, taking care of family or parents, and have been neglecting themselves for a multitude of reasons.

They need assistance from the clubs, motivation, bonding, feeling at ease with the club and other members. They want exclusive, non-intimidating environments where the members can be the focus, and not become lost in the crowds at a huge fitness facility.

Typically, at the larger fitness facilities, the members may be lost in the crowd, or become intimidated by the sheer size, physical appearance of the members, and lack the knowledge or the bravery to ask for assistance in using the equipment.

The 30-minute workout is largely centered on the hydraulic equipment circuit. There are a few fitness companies that utilise the circuit alternating traditional strength training and aerobic circuits. However, the hydraulic equipment circuit workout maximises workout times and ultimately, the results for the client. This is the best “quick” fix in the exercise field as it shortens the amount of separate cardio and strength training into three thirty-minute workouts per week. However, it is safe to do up to two times per day and up to five and six days per week, dependant on the client’s individual fitness level and their individual goals.

The hydraulic circuit equipment is safe for the de-conditioned market as it is a fluid movement, similar to a swimming motion. The hydraulic equipment also does not break down the muscle and therefore, reduces the soreness and recovery time as it breaks down at approximately an average 35% versus standard free weight strength training, which breaks down muscle at 100% and thus, soreness and longer recovery time.

I predict the 30-minute circuit market to be a staple in the fitness industry, whether it is hydraulic or strength training equipment. The need for quick, efficient workouts with maximum results will support the clubs in this market. Additionally, we are seeing a new trend emerge with the men’s only and the co-ed market. This new trend will lead to the continuing growth of the 30-minute concept well into the future.

It Figures! Ltd. Co. is not a franchise but a license based company, offering the client choices. With over 700 It-Figures clubs in the US and around the world, It Figures clubs are becoming the preferred choice for many health club investors. It Figures offer a complete turnkey package, club management software, and the most comprehensive five-day training in the market.

Each club is individually owned whether the client chooses to license under It Figures or create their own name; they have the freedom to offer services unique to their market that would be limited in the franchise world. At Figures, it’s all about client choices.

For more information on Figures 30 minute fitness & weightloss centres please visit the business opportunities section.