Oakleigh Recreation Centre - Our team of professionals are dedicated to helping you reach your health and fitness goals.
Nearby Suburbs: Bentleigh East, Chadstone, Hughesdale, Oakleigh, Oakleigh South
Oakleigh Recreation Centre has a wide range of facilities and services of the highest quality.
*Facilities and services may differ slightly from those listed. Please contact Oakleigh Recreation Centre if you wish to learn more about which services they currently offer.
Enter your address below to get directions straight from your house to Oakleigh Recreation Centre!
e.g: 100 george st sydney nsw 2000 australia
Oakleigh Recreation Centre
2a Park Rd
VIC 3166
Monday to Friday: 6am - 9pm
Saturday to Sunday: 8am - 6pm
Public Holidays: 9am - 6pm
Christmas Day and Good Friday: Closed