Body Express

Body Express is excited to be the first fitness centre in Sydney to introduce TRIBE Team Training.

Nearby Suburbs: Bellevue Hill, Bondi, Bondi Beach, Dover Heights, Rose Bay, Vaucluse, Watsons Bay

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Body Express is excited to be the first fitness centre in Sydney to introduce TRIBE Team Training.

What's team training?

In recent years the options for those wanting to exercise to improve their health, body weight and fitness have become polarised between two options:

1. Going it alone

In most cases when you join a gym (big or small) you are left to figure out your program yourself. You try to work out how to properly use the machines (cardio and weights) or you show up to various classes. This is all in the hope that the workout will be the right level for you (so you don't strain yourself) and that it will lead to you achieving your fitness goals. Too often people end up doing exercises that are not very effective or time-wasting (endless time on the treadmill). But it's better than sitting at home behind the TV isn't it? Typical gym fees are $19 to $29 per week.
Also it's easy to feel lost in the gym and lost in a class. You rarely feel like you connect with anyone.

2. Pay for a Personal Trainer

So you're serious about getting great results and are willing to invest time and money to get personalised coaching. PT sessions can cost from $60 for a half hour to $100+ per hour. Some people have PT sessions once a week, some twice and some three times per week ($300 pw). This can be a great option if you're willing and able to make that investment.
It's challenging for the trainer to keep varying your workout to keep you engaged. With personal training, at least you're connecting with one person - your trainer!

Then Group Training appeared in the parks and beaches

This has been a huge trend for those willing to brave the weather... rain, hail or shine. The question is "Does one workout suit all" Groups can be as large as 40 which dilutes the supervision that each person gets. The other problem is that many exercises are done in pairs and if you're not paired with someone of the same size and fitness level, it can be problematic. But still... it has been a fantastic fitness option for many.

Tribe Team Training or "Tribe"

Tribe is different:
  • There are 3 different programs so you can choose the program that best suits your age, fitness level and exercise goals. We'll be launching with the 3 fundamental programs:

    1. TribeLIFE. LIFE stands for Low Impact Functional Exercise. The exercise content is suitable for all ages (including people like me in their 60's). Being low impact, there's no jumping up and down and the exercises can be adapted for most fitness levels.

    2.TribeCORE is designed to help you develop healthy mid-section strength and stability.

    3.TribeFIT is for those who want a much more intense and challenging workout.

  • Tribe is done in small teams of 6 -10 people so everyone gets close supervision from the Tribe Trainer.

  • Unlike some Group Training businesses where you pay a set weekly or monthly fee and come whenever you like, with Tribe Team Training you enrol in a Tribe program that suits you and at a time that suits your schedule. You and your Tribe group will meet at the same time twice a week. You know that your space, your trainer and your team will be waiting for you each session.

  • The Tribe "No Boredom" Guarantee. The programs are specially created by a team of exercise specialists and exercise physiologists so that EVERY session is different. For quality control all programs are beta-tested three seasons in advance. This ensures safety and effectiveness. There's also a training benefit as this constantly gives your body new challenges to maximise your results.

Body Express is not membership-based. We're program based.
Think about this. Most people get a gym membership to be able to do a program... their own program, classes or a program with a Personal Trainer. At Body Express you choose the program that suits you and enroll for 7 weeks (6 week season + 1 week Open Season).

Body Express has a wide range of facilities and services of the highest quality.

  • Cardio Theatre
  • Changing Rooms
  • Circuit Training
  • Conditioning Machines
  • Free Weights
  • Personal Training
  • Pool
  • Stationary Cycling
  • Step Machines
  • Treadmills
  • Yoga
  • Freestyle Classes
  • Group Fitness

*Facilities and services may differ slightly from those listed. Please contact Body Express if you wish to learn more about which services they currently offer.


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Body Express
159 Military Road
NSW 2030

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday: 5:30am - 8:30pm
Friday: 5:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday: 7am - 12pm
Sunday: closed